Sales Training for Maximum Impact

83% of companies do not have effective sales training – RAIN Group

Sales Training for Managers and Leaders

Transform your managers into Catalysts.

A catalyst is someone who inspires and accelerates change in others. They don’t just meet with their reps, talk numbers, and offer a few tips. A transformational leader understands that incentive plans, training classes, and performance scorecards are not enough to change behavior. In the Catalyst program, leaders learn to hit their number by focusing on the three drivers that jumpstart performance: desire, productivity, and competency.

Here are a few program highlights:

  • The four-dimensional approach to measuring performance (Desire, Productivity, Competency and Results).
  • Learn how Other-Centered leaders drive higher engagement.
  • Leverage neuroscience to address the four emotional barriers to change.
  • Double your bandwidth by becoming a strategic coach.
  • Simplify by defining metrics that matter.
  • Customized, simple assessments to diagnose performance.
  • Coaching process that ensures alignment and results.
  • 200+ skill development activities to address every competency gap.

Talk to us about increasing sales and income now!

Sales Training for Business Development Managers, Account Managers, Outside Sales and Account Executives

Other-Centered® Selling

Mais representantes do que nunca estão perdendo sua cota. O que mudou? A enxurrada de informações disponíveis aparentemente torna os representantes menos importantes e também diminui suas chances de superar o ruído.

This reality may be obvious but here’s the truth that isn’t: If the customer is emotionally unreceptive, your value prop, your insights, and your solution don’t matter. To convert the disinterested, success doesn’t start with a list of techniques, tricks, and tips. It starts by developing a radical approach to selling. It starts with being Other-Centered.

With our Other-Centered program, we establish a new mindset for your sellers, so they are able to eliminate emotional resistance and answer the toughest questions like:

  • With response rates at an all-time low, what messages and prospecting strategies break through the noise?
  • How do you navigate the organizational barriers and engage decision-makers who don’t meet with sales reps?
  • When every rep is attempting to be a trusted advisor, what’s the secret to earning a seat at the decision-making table and influence the decision-making process?
  • What’s the key to motivating the prospect to make a major shift in a new direction — whether related to scope of investment or type of solution?
  • How do you advance the opportunity in a way that keeps the key players involved and establishes a competitive advantage?

Talk to us about increasing sales and income now!

Impact in weeks not months.

What difference would a 5% increase in your average sales price make to EBITDA?  We help our clients accelerate sales success and get immediate and measurable results using our patented Closing Time Sales and Sales Negotiation System.

Our proven, patented system is based on research and the best practices we have developed through our work with world class sales organizations. Sales executives world-wide use our system to get measurable results.

Here’s what clients say about Closing Time:

  • “We tripled – #x – revenues, that literally meant hundreds of millions of dollars.”  Jim Murphy, Western Digital
  • “Added an additional $1 million in revenue on a single deal,”  Tom Schencker, Walgreens
  • “We got a huge account we never thought we would get.” Leo Tilley, Kimberly Clark

Talk to us about increasing sales and income now!

Sales Training for Sales Development Reps and Outbound Sales Reps

Telegence – Outbound Selling Skills

Ever since the birth of the telephone, cold calling has universally been one of the most unpleasant business challenges. And for outbound sales reps, selling over the phone requires a unique set of skills.

Telegence is our two-day, instructor-led program created specifically for an outbound sales rep calling on cold or dormant customers. This program will transform the way your reps approach selling in an outbound environment and ensure they develop the 18 unique competencies of selling over the phone.

You see, “over the phone” is different. What traditionally works face-to-face not only doesn’t work over the phone, but it also creates more distance between you and a sale. Selling over the phone thus requires a unique set of skills.

  • Learn the 18 unique competencies of selling over the phone.
  • How do you address the five false objections the decision-maker uses to avoid your call?
  • What do you do when the “gatekeeper” is the barrier between you and the Decision-Maker?
  • How do you quickly create the level of intimacy required to ensure the customer reveals honest needs and concerns?
  • How do you initiate a discovery process when the customer doesn’t trust you?
  • How do you get the customer to visualize and embrace the benefits when you can only rely on your words?
  • What is the secret to removing barriers to purchase and advancing the sale?

Talk to us about increasing sales and income now!

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Ken Lundin and Associates

Email: [email protected]
Telefone: (678) 622-9853
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